1.Sculpting head - Block out


As this is my first time using zbrush to sculpt a character i wanted to learn a bit more about the software and get an understanding of how to create a face. Although this was a few hours practice, you can immediately notice all the lumps and distorted shapes around the face and also how high in polygons the sculpt is. This was very helpful for me as i was able to get used to the pen and table and some of the brushes and already have a bit of knowledge of how to create a character's head. 

Starting from scratch. With symmetry activated, I used a side view image and a front image of the actor's face as a background, then using the move brush i shaped the starting mesh ball to the shape of the actor's. This helps to get the right size of the head all the way from the beginning. 

After this, i increased the subdivisions and using the anatomy images i started creating the base of the skull using the clay brush to buildup and remove mass ,and smooth brushes. I also added an spehere to act as an eye for reference while i create the bones around them. Once i had the structure of the bones i started to add ''muscle and/or fat'' in between them to fill up the cavities.

The ears i extracted them by masking where they are, inverting the mask selection and then pulling out the geometry, this is something that i also did later on for the hair.

When i had the base of a face, i went back to adjust where the eyes, mouth and ears were. I went back and forwards from the perspectives and adjusting the parts with the move brush and the clay brush to increase the details on them a little more. For example the inner side of the ears and the hole on the nose, or even the corner of the eye.

After i had positioned the ears, eyes, mouth and nose i subdivided again and added more details.
By looking at the reference images i sculped the areas with big wrinkles, i continued to use the move brush to move some areas for example bringing down the fat above the eyes. 
