10. Motion capture part 2

The next step was to skin the character so the mesh follows the controllers. I did this in the quick rig tab, and then i edited it making sure the joints move and rotate properly without distorting the body too much. 

By using the paint skin tool i was able to dictate how much mesh distorts when moving by painting white what should stay solid and grey to black what can move. As seen in the image below, i selected the joint and edited using the paint and smooth brush.

When i tested the rotation i came across this mesh going throught the face, this is because the inside of the mouth has geometry that isnt skinned properly, so i went back to the paint brush tool and painted it white.

Another issue was the eyes not following the movement of the head. To fix this i selected the eyes, and moved the pivot point to the head joint. I then selected the head joint again and the eyes and parented them.


I continued to skin the rest of the body, moving joints to see how much i had to fix. As seen in the image bellow, the torso needed some fixing under the armpits. One thing that was important to me was, to make sure to lock the edited area by clicking on the lock on the paint tool tab, so i dont paint on them by accident while working on other parts.
